What must we do?

Pastor Pastor's Thought

This week has proven to be one of the most significant and important weeks (if not the most important week) in recent history for the British people and its Government as it transpires the British people have voted for Britain to leave the EU – European Union. With the exception of Scotland, Northern Ireland and London, the people chose OUT – to leave the EU. This is a new chapter in Britain’s history. David Cameron PM chose to offer the country a referendum on the subject of Europe, as for many years people were disgruntled on this matter. He was confident the British public would concur with his view to remain as part of the EU. Cameron’s miscalculation has ended up costing him his job.

Interestingly, almost half of the voters, voted REMAIN. Britain is a divided country. Families are divided. Workplaces are divided. Communities are divided.

This new season in Britain’s history has left most of the country asking many questions – questions being asked by those who voted OUT as well as those who voted IN. The future appears very uncertain as Britain ventures into the unknown. In addition to this, Scotland and Northern Ireland both want to stay in the EU and are already making plans to ‘divorce’ England and Wales. Meanwhile, the EU wants Britain to make haste and GO!

Choices, choices, choices! Decisions.

Businesses, the Banks, the Stock Market, education, health, housing, everything one can think about is and will be affected – maybe not in the immediate future, but change is afoot. The first thing to be hit was the British pound.

As Christians, our confidence has to be in God and not man. Pray is what we do and as we pray we seek God’s direction on getting through to where we need to be. We prayed before the country went to the polls and we must continue to pray and trust ‘post results’.

As stated by A T Pierson, “The Word of God represents all the possibilities of God as at the disposal of true prayer.”

“The main lesson about prayer is just this: Do it! Do it! Do it! You want to be taught to pray. My answer is pray and never faint, and then you shall never fail…” John Laidlaw

“A man who is intimate with God will never be intimidated by men.” Leonard Ravenhill

This week, in the face of uncertainty, worry not: pray lots!