Thankful for Harvest Time

Pastor Pastor's Thought

As summer comes to a close, with Britain enjoying its hottest summer since 1976, we now are ready for the next season. The beginning of autumn is a transitional period, where by tradition, we give thanks to God, for the rain whereby our crops are able to flourish.

Our gratitude to God for the season is a reflective reminder of God’s unprecedented love mercy and sustenance to all mankind. Oftentimes we forget God’s bountiful provision and life, and we ourselves are recipients of His everlasting mercy and grace for which we should be eternally grateful.

Without harvest, there is starvation and we find even the story of Joseph demonstrates God’s continued plan and pro-vision for His people. His outpouring of wisdom in us to make preparations for the season ahead often times is unfathomable.

As we reflect on the four seasons, all of which contribute to the readiness of the soil and the growth of the seed unto the harvest, may our hearts rejoice. Rejoice for the blessings of provision for sustenance but also spiritual provision made through Christ Jesus.

Through our sins we were all doomed to certain and eternal death, but through Jesus Christ we are both redeemed and justified, with the blessings of eternal salvation.

The burying of the seed, referred to as sowing, is a reflection of Humankind future – Jesus comes and gives life to all who will receive it. Soon, and very soon, will be the harvest. May we be good and ready when He returns for His own.
Matthew 13:37 ‘… The one who sowed the good seed is the Son of Man .’
“The seeds you are harvesting today were planted by the words of your mouth yesterday.” Kenneth Copeland
Lord help us to sow good seeds for tomorrows harvest in Jesus name….Amen!