Celebrating Mothering Sunday

Pastor Pastor's Thought

Today is Mothering Sunday, the day when we celebrate motherhood and thank them for the contributions that they have made. Mothers come in different forms and play various roles in our lives. We have biological mothers, step mothers, adopted Foster mothers, godmothers, spiritual mothers and grandmothers, all of whom have played significant roles in our lives. The term Mother depicts a woman who gives birth to a child and nurtures, gives great kindness, care, guidance and support. The role of a mother comprises of so many things, so that it is exhaustive and comprehensive.

We are ever grateful and indebted to those mothers in our lives who have shaped us to be better human beings.

Mothering Sunday traditionally related to churches where servants were allowed to return to their mothers and congregations would return to their Mother Church of their Parish. It falls on the fourth Sunday of Lent and on the third Sunday before Easter.

Whilst Mothering Sunday has become in the broader sense, a celebration of Mothers, it’s tradition has always been in Protestant and Catholic Christianity. Today as Mothering Sunday, we remember those mothers with us now, those mothers gone and those in the process of becoming mothers.

Our thank you to our mothers, (be they good or bad), as without mothers, none of us would be here today.

Mahatma Gandhi once said, it might be possible to gild pure gold, but who can make his mother more beautiful?

Today, we say thank you to all beautiful mothers throughout the world and we celebrate them for all they have done and continue to do, and as Isaiah depicts the nature of God to Israel, as one whom His mother comforts, so I will comfort you; you shall be comforted in Jerusalem “. Isaiah 66:13

Let us pray and thank God for Mothers in their various forms in which they come, to the glory of God.