Fighting for Peace

Pastor Pastor's Thought

This week Prime Minister David Cameron and the British parliament had to make a serious decision on  how they would respond to the plight faced by Syria from Islamic State in Syria ISIS.   The decision …

Grace demands Mercy

Pastor Pastor's Thought

This week we read in the news of a British national who when stopped in Saudi Arabia, was found to have wine in the boot of his car and for such misdemeanour he was incarcerated …

Invest Wisely

Pastor Pastor's Thought

Poverty presents social issues to those who are troubled by it.  But wealth presents a further personal concern for those who have the economical abundance of wealth and who are faced with the concern as …

The Sun Will Shine

Pastor Pastor's Thought

Friday 20 March 2015 at 9:41 GMT, the UK was plunged into eery darkness, such as never seen for over a decade. The moon, although many times smaller than the sun, when lined up between …